Azumen Panorama

What is the Exchange policy and how can I exchange my items?

Exchanging your item with Azumen is free of charge, and we also offer an alternative exchange process for any concerns you may have about your current items. To get started, please visit our Exchange Page and complete the exchange request form. Be sure to review our Return Policy for instructions on sending back the item for exchange.

How to Start Your Exchange

Follow these steps to initiate your exchange:

  1. Visit the Exchange Page:
    Go to our Exchange Page and fill out the exchange request form.

  2. Or, Contact Us by Email:
    If emailing us directly, please include the following information:

    • Email Address
    • Full Name
    • Order Number
    • Item to be Exchanged
    • Reason for Exchange (e.g., wrong size, defective item)
    • Are any Items Defective or Damaged?
    • Agreement to the Exchange Policy

Processing Your Exchange

Once your returned item is delivered to our warehouse, please allow up to 10 business days for processing. As soon as this is completed, we’ll ship your new item to you free of charge.

Exchanging for a Different Value

  • Upgrading Your Exchange:
    If you’d like to exchange for an item of higher value, you’ll need to pay the difference. After confirming the new item’s value, we’ll email you an invoice for the additional amount. Upon payment, your new item will be shipped with no extra shipping charges.

  • Downgrading Your Exchange:
    If you choose an item of lesser value, we’ll automatically refund the difference.

Need Assistance?

Once your exchange is confirmed, we’ll ship the new item promptly, covering all shipping costs. For any questions or further help, contact us at We’re here to make sure you find the perfect fit!

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